Shipboard Safety Skill Set – MARSS00008…/hls-student-factsheet.pdf

The course will teach you survival techniques on a vessel in an emergency situation and and how to abide safe work procedures.

This skill set is one of the requirements to obtain Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA) certification 

Units of competency
MARF027             Apply basic survival skills in the event of vessel abandonment
MARF028             Follow procedures in minimise and fight fires on board a vessel
MARF029             Meet work health and safety requirements
MARF030             Survive at sea using survival craft[

Course dates
Please check the course calendar here 

Course fees
$485.00 Full fee

Course fee with Higher Level Skills subsidy – Are you eligible    
$265.00 (Non Concession) 
$152.50  (With concession)…/hls-student-factsheet.pdf

2 days (8.30 am – 4pm) plus self study via workbook prior to classroom session.
Classroom theory and practical sessions.

Entry requirements
Minimum age 16 years
Ability to swim



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